
034 Department of Chemical Engineering 2024



Founded in 1946, the Department of Chemical Engineering of Tsinghua University (DCETU) has committed itself to establishing a world-class chemical engineering education program, shaping engineering science and technology through the integration of chemical engineering, biology, and materials science, and solving the technological needs of society. Based on the fine tradition of engineering education and research of Tsinghua University, the DCETU proactively works towards creating an internationally accredited engineering education program and emphasizes outcome based education. It’s goal is to generate outstanding graduates who will be able to exercise leadership within the industry, academia and the government areas. The DCETU offers graduate programs in two disciplines: (1) chemical engineering and technology and (2) material science and engineering.


——The DCETU has a high ranking reputation and is well respected by national and international employers.

——The DCETU has been ranked in the Top 20 for the last 4 years according to U.K. based QS Ranking in Chemical Engineering.

——Joint programs between Tsinghua University and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University and University of Melbourne.

Programs for International Students 2024

Materials Science and Engineering


Chemical Engineering and Technology


(M)–Master’s Programs (D)- Doctoral Programs

Financial Aid by School/Department:

Research assistant positions offered by supervisors



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